Monday, 10 November 2008

Snow in October, Now gales predicted...

John- I will wrap up this feature on Weather Action and Piers Corbyn by commenting on recent and current forecasts. Piers predicted snow and a cold snap towards the end of October and "Major damaging storm" in the West. We got both in the UK (snow in London- first for 74 years). Freak hailstorms on the south west and fell runner race stopped by bad weather and
flooding. Neither was forecast by the Met office. I will add more detail to this post later (via editing). However, I would like to present the next forecast for the rest of November:-

Nov 08: Dramatic changes. Cold wintry spells
separated by heavy rain floods and storms.
Severe Weather Warnings: Gale damage with North
sea storm surge risks (70% likely) OR/& sleet /
snow risk around 12-14 Nov & 25-28 Nov.

Well, as I write, it is 11th November. We shall see, again these events were not predicted by the Met office at the start of November.

In conclusion I am keeping an open mind on this one. My gut feeling is that Piers just could be on to something significant and remarkable. However, his knowledge and indeed the current state of the art in the area of solar interaction with the climate and even individual weather events is not sufficiently complete for really accurate forecasts. In fact the whole idea is dismissed by many as mere fantasy. This is not surprising as the whole idea of the sun influencing climate is controversial because it goes against and could potentially undermine the "consensus" idea of climate and weather driven by human produced CO2. Therefore little research has been done in this promising area, and I fear it will not be while "climate change" hysteria grips press, politicians and climate scientists alike.


brian in the tamar valley said...

Piers is an interesting character isn't he? His theories regarding what drives our climate are certainly interesting and merit attention. However time and again his forecasts issued at the start of each month let him down and have become remarkable for their lack of accuracy. In October in fact he wasn't just wrong he was 100% wrong! For instance the 5 or 6 days of colder weather were confined to the end of the month when he said it would get milder!! There was no fog to speak of and the horrendous hailstorm in a very restricted area of East Devon is clearly not the storm to which he refers. These aren't isolated cases I'm afraid.

It has become difficult to take Piers seriously.

Climate Realist said...

Hello Brian and thanks for commenting! Piers did at least forecast snow in October, although at the wrong end of the month. I have only recently started monitoring his forecasts and comparing to weather events and am keeping an open mind- although the November north sea storm surge has not materialised as such.

In New Scientist there was an article recently linking sunspots with river flow- which to me links sunspots with weather and climate. Unusual for NS being strongly pro "Humans cause global warming".